From entry-level professionals to senior members. From young students to freshers at work. From aspiring artists to veteran leaders - the power of effective storytelling benefits all. That’s why Tape A Tale believes in teaching working professionals storytelling to up their professional game.
Acquity Knowledge Partners
The Organization wanted to conduct workshops for their employees on building confidence and finding their unique voice. Tape A Tale CEO Kopal Khanna crafted an interactive session where she made the employees speak up and design their own narrative for professional success. Team members had a fantastic time conducting these sessions in both their Gurgaon and Bangalore offices!

Renowned airways company wanted to conduct a power-packed workshop on transformational storytelling and power of effective communication. Mehak Mirza Prabhu who comes with diverse experiences of storytelling, life coaching, fitness expertise, motivational TEDx speaking, and public speaking mentorship.

Voice Positive Labs in collaboration with Facebook organized a storytelling workshop for effective social media campaigns at Tripura University, Agartala. Our exclusive Storytelling Coach Mehak Mirza Prabhu was invited to the city as a creative expert to help college students crack the code of effective communication.